About Me

Hello! My name is Amanda, and I am so glad you are here to visit! I am an independent travel consultant affiliated with Academy Travel! Academy Travel is a Diamond Earmarked Agency with Disney and U-Preferred Diamond Agency with Universal.

I absolutely love to travel, and so it was natural for me to decide to become a travel agent to help others plan their vacations. I am very passionate about ensuring my clients enjoy their vacation, and I promise to give 100% from initial contact until after your vacation ends.

I am a Disney fanatic and frequently travel to Florida to visit the parks. But, don't worry--my knowledge spreads beyond the theme parks in Orlando!

When not planning vacations for myself and others, I love spending time with my family, friends, and 2 puppies--Woody & Pretty Girl.

Reach out today. I'd love to help you plan your next getaway!

Travel Enthusiast
Vacations are Meant to Be Enjoyed!

Vacations are meant to help you relax, whether you are with family, friends, or on a solo adventure. My goal is to help make the planning process much easier so that you aren't faced with the stress of researching and booking everything you want to do for your vacation. Let me take the stress out of planning for you!

Destination/Vendor Expert
Frequent Destination/Vendor Training

As a travel and destination expert, I go through rigorous training to learn all about each type of supplier I may book your trip through.You can rest assured knowing that I have trained extensively and continue my training annually and/or when new trainings are available. In addition, I frequently attend destination trainings offered to stay up to date on destinations most desired by clients.

As Your Travel Expert, I am Happy to Provide the Following:
  • Research the best prices
  • Apply applicable discounts when available
  • Book your vacation
  • Research the area in which you are traveling for the best tips
  • Book excursions, extras, dining
  • Help you navigate while traveling
  • Offer travel insurance
  • Share my expertise
  • And much more!
